Life is Yoga: July/August 2009

Recently, I was reading an article about small business owners who started companies based on their principles rather than simply to make money. Are these two things mutually exclusive? I say enthusiastically no! What does it mean to run your company based on your values? More importantly, what does it mean to live your life […]

Life is Yoga: June 2009

With the passing of K. Pattabhi Jois, I feel a sense of loss, but more a sense of vastness and respect. Thinking about how this man effected my life and the life of millions of others is mind-blowing. The practice of astanga yoga and all the forms of yoga that have been influenced by it […]

June 2009 Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

Ah, the quintessential yoga pose. This posture is also the bane of many a yogi’s knees! This month we will focus on the special attention and preparation this posture requires. Padmasana is about tightly binding the lower body to create a sort of prana lock. If you cannot get into the posture fully you can […]

May 2009 Astanga Second Series

Second Series of Astanga Yoga is called nadi shodana or nerve cleansing. Primary Series is called yoga chikitsa or “yoga therapy.” Nadi shodana is more about stimulating the nervous system, but also about evening and balancing all of the energetic centers along the spine. In Second Series we begin to explore much more back bending, […]

April 2009 Props

This month we will explore all the many ways to use blocks and straps, towels and the wall. Props can be used to modify for injury or tightness, deepening postures, support, and also to create stability and balance in a pose. We will be using props to make our classes interesting, challenging and accessible. Props […]

Life is Yoga: April 2009

Food for Yogic Thought Food is not just fuel. What you put into your body affects how you feel, your overall health, energy, and longevity. The yogic diet has a wholistic approach. Rather than separating components of food by calories and nutrients, the yogic perspective is of the diet as a whole. In general, you […]

March 2009 Astanga Primary Series

The pose, or, more accurately, the focus, of the month is the Primary Series of Astanga yoga. There are four series in Astanga yoga, Primary, Secondary, Advanced A, and Advanced B. The Primary Series is called yoga chikitsa, or “yoga therapy.” It is designed to be the entry level and accessible for all. It is […]

Life is Yoga: March 2009

March 2009 In yoga practice we are constantly told to pay attention. Pay attention to the breath. Pay attention to what is happening in your body. Pay attention to your locks and your drishti. Why pay attention? Paying attention is about being in the present moment. Isn’t it interesting that even when the present moment […]

December 2008 Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward facing Bow Pose)

This pose is the bane of all tight-shouldered/tight-backed people. There are many of us out there! The idea is that there is equal weight in the hands and the feet and the arch is nice and even and broad. There are those whose shoulders are tight and this tends to push the stress into the […]

Life is Yoga: December 2008

Water, Water Everywhere! As I trip over my millionth water bottle I have decided to address the issue of drinking water during practice. It seems that almost everyone sets down their mat, their towel, their props, and their water bottle to prepare for practice. During class there is much sitting back, wiping away sweat and […]