November 2008 Koundinyasana

For many years I have taught a pose called Koundiyasana and revolved Koundinyasana. In researching the pose of the month, I found out that what we often teach at O2 as Koundinyasana is actually Koundinyasana II, and the revolved pose is actually Koundinyasana I. Koundinyasana I is a twist and Koundinyasana II is more like […]

Life is Yoga: November 2008

Be Where You Are Have you ever said: “I can’t _____________ (lose weight, change jobs, spend more time with my kids, eat better, do more yoga…) until I _____________ (have more money, have more time, find a partner, get a new house…)? The ironic thing is, we are often putting off the things that will […]

Life is Yoga: October 2008

Listening More and Thinking Less! I am thinking about Beryl Bender Birch a lot lately. She is coming to the studio in November for a 3-day workshop and I can’t wait. She is my teacher and my mentor. Over the course of my years of teaching she has been a wonderful source of inspiration and […]

September 2008 Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand)

This posture is an inversion and has the same benefits as all inversions: reversing blood flow, reversing pressure on the bones and organs, bringing extra blood flow to the brain, and, of course, seeing the world upside-down. Being upside-down is disorienting but also very cool. It changes your perspective while also bringing stimulation to the […]

Life is Yoga: September 2008

Yoga Is Not Just Self-Help I can’t tell you how excited and frightened I am by the imminent change in our government. I personally plan on continuing to volunteer to help the person I believe should be our next president get into office. I also plan on continually pushing for each and every one of […]

August 2008 Parighasana (Gate Pose)

This posture is all about lengthening both sides of the body evenly, so rather than a lateral bend (from the waist), it is hip flexion. I love this posture because so many of us do things during the day that compress the space between the ribs and the hips (slouching!). This posture is the antidote […]

August 2008: Pose of the month is on vacation

This month we will be focusing on a major component of the vinyasa practice and the practice of yoga on the whole, pranayama or breath control. Specifically we will focus on the breathing technique that we use in every asana class, ujjayi breath. Ujjayi breath is a method of being conscious, being in your body, […]

Life is Yoga: August 2008

I was at a political event recently in support Barack Obama. I try to volunteer my time as much as I can. I was talking to a person who was involved in coordinating volunteers. He asked me to canvass. You know, go door to door. I said, “You know it is funny. I am so […]

July 2008 Ujjayi Breath

This month we will be focusing on a major component of the vinyasa practice and the practice of yoga on the whole, pranayama or breath control. Specifically we will focus on the breathing technique that we use in every asana class, ujjayi breath. Ujjayi breath is a method of being conscious, being in your body, […]

June 2008 Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand)

This month’s pose represents the perfect balance of discipline and play. There are many ways to fool around and be unstructured. This pose requires a sense of playful determination and focus. You need to be focused, calm, and relaxed while at the same time playing with your edge. I love how handstands can be done […]