Vegan Apple Brownies

So you may not feel like baking right now, but when you do, make these.  We held a vegan baking contest a while back and these won hands down. They are the creation of my good friend Missy D’Arcy from NH.  Here is her winning recipe Vegan Apple Brownies 1/2 cup non-hydrogenated margarine (Earth Balance […]

Edamame Quinoa Salad

This is a great quick recipe for a summer party. People go crazy over it which is funny because it is super easy to make. Check it out and adjust whatever. Quinoa, Corn, and Edamame salad I made a salad for the teacher training recently that was a really big hit. This salad is so […]

Your Karma Ran Over My Dogma

I thought it was appropriate to revisit our tag-line in light of the new website launch. Some of it might seem obvious. We do a lot of up-dogs and down-dogs in O2’s unique style of yoga based on the Astanga system. There is also my clear love of dogs in general, up, down and otherwise. […]

Finding Center

I have just completed another teacher training program. It is truly a humbling and gratifying experience to watch people transform into teachers seemingly before my eyes. Participating in teacher training is like one long yoga practice. There is stumbling, loss of breath, then steadiness returns. There are moments of such intensity that the will is […]

Beginner’s Mind

Do we ever stop learning new things? Or maybe the question should be: should we stop learning? September seems to be the unofficial learning month and it will be here before you know it. Most of us went back to school in September when we were kids and young adults. As some of you know, […]

Our Vegan Dogs

shanti our sweet pit bull We have 2 young dogs, both rescues. When we got Shanti, he was emaciated, frightened and had a very sensitive tummy. I went in search of dog food and found a great allergy food that was also vegan; Natural Balance. Both dogs have been eating this food for over a […]

Vegan Cuts

Just found this very cool daily deal service that is entirely vegan. It is called Vegan Cuts. Use this link to check it out and sign-up if you are interested. Power to the Peaceful, Mimi

When Will I be Ready to….

How often do we ask ourselves this question? When I first started teaching yoga, I wasn’t “ready”.  In fact, I was kind of thrown into it because the teacher kept not showing up. When I contemplated opening my first yoga studio, I definitely wasn’t ready. I remember debating this with myself and realizing that the […]

The Search for Felafel

In my last post, I mentioned my friend Assim and our common passion for felafel. I haven’t had a good felafel in a long time. It got me thinking about all the food that I enjoyed in my travels to Turkey and Morocco. This morning, I was driving down Albany Street, thinking of Assim and […]

Vegan doggie Treats

My friend Katherine Pomponi, many of you know here as one of the most fabulous O2 Yoga Teachers ever, sent me a link for Wagatha’s Doggie Biscuits and other products.  They are having a special on 3 new flavors and all three just happen to be vegan. Now, they probably don’t use that word because […]