Second Series of Astanga Yoga is called nadi shodana or nerve cleansing. Primary Series is called yoga chikitsa or “yoga therapy.” Nadi shodana is more about stimulating the nervous system, but also about evening and balancing all of the energetic centers along the spine. In Second Series we begin to explore much more back bending, inversions, and deeper expressions of forward folds. Second Series is much more open and playful than primary. Primary is a introspective practice. Second Series is about learning to really open up yet control your energy and prana at the same time. Primary Series tends to leave you feeling grounded and stable. Second Series can leave you feeling like you are floating above the ground, giddy and sometimes very emotional! It will be fun to explore all the different applications of the Second Series postures throughout the month! It is a great way to kick spring into high gear and shift in to high energy summer!
As with Primary Series, Mimi and Elliott will team-teach the intensives. O2 teachers will again be on hand to adjust and give students lots of attention.