Fire-Roasted Tomato and Red lentil Soup

This is a go-to soup for me when it starts getting cold. I make it a lot on the boat. One of the things I love about it is that most of the ingredients should already be in your pantry. It is so simple but also seems exotic and hearty at the same time. Absolutely […]

Ellen Degenres and my mother-in-law

You never know where you will get inspiration. My mother in law, Marty, and I have always been close. We’ve had many an argument too given that we are both so similar but that is another story. This past Thanksgiving, my husband kids and I went up to Vinylhaven, Maine, a tiny island off the […]

Links,Fall recipes, and Restaurants I love

I love to cook and have a million cookbooks. However, I still find it helpful and inspiring to get a recipe in my email box every now and then.  Vegetarian Times has a great  Dairy-Free and Vegan Recipe of the Week. This week it is Chocolate Pecan Pudding Pie.  Sounds yummy right? I also […]

Pumpkin Love Cookies

Vegan Pumpkin Love Cookies My husband, Steven, loved these cookies and he is a really tough cookie critic. He also does not particularly like or care whether they are healthy. These are just plain good and healthy enough to have for breakfast and of course full of love! I made these for the Open House […]

Pasta with Greens, Veggie Sausage, White beans, and Chiles

I love Turtle Foods! They make some of my favorite products like Oven roasted Sliced Tofurkey for sandwiches, and Tofurky Sausages. Ingredients 1 package Tofurky Italian sausage 3-4cloves garlic 3-6 Tablespoons good quality olive oil (optional 1/2 cup veggie broth) juice of 1/2 lemon 1 can of white beans Salt, pepper, and dried chilis flakes3-4 […]


Calabacitas means ‘little squashes’ in Spanish. Here is a great recipe for this time of year when you are buried by zucchini and squash. Every well-meaning gardener friend will bring you some giant zucchini as a “gift” right? Well this is the recipe for you, or even better, maybe you are that well-meaning gardener. Stop […]

Missi’s Blueberry Cake

              My friend Missi D’Arcy is an amazing vegan baker. I can’t wait to try this recipe especially because there are so many fresh blueberries available now! Missi’s Vegan Blueberry Coffee Cake Streusel ½ cup chopped walnuts 1/3 cup packed brown sugar ¼ cup flour ½ tsp cinnamon 3 […]

Vegan Apple Brownies

So you may not feel like baking right now, but when you do, make these.  We held a vegan baking contest a while back and these won hands down. They are the creation of my good friend Missy D’Arcy from NH.  Here is her winning recipe Vegan Apple Brownies 1/2 cup non-hydrogenated margarine (Earth Balance […]

Our Vegan Dogs

shanti our sweet pit bull We have 2 young dogs, both rescues. When we got Shanti, he was emaciated, frightened and had a very sensitive tummy. I went in search of dog food and found a great allergy food that was also vegan; Natural Balance. Both dogs have been eating this food for over a […]

Vegan Cuts

Just found this very cool daily deal service that is entirely vegan. It is called Vegan Cuts. Use this link to check it out and sign-up if you are interested. Power to the Peaceful, Mimi