Our Mate
We have a new link for the site featuring one of my dogs, Mate. Now of course she is there because I think she is cute but also as a symbol. We often think of the animal symbols for vegans being the ones that people eat like cows and pigs. Yes, it is true that […]
April 2010 Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana (One-legged King Pigeon Pose)
I love this pose! It is the antidote to the sitting, slouching, and driving we do all day long. It is also, in many ways, a counter pose for last month’s focus. Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana combines external rotation of one hip, hip extension of the other, full shoulder flexion, spinal extension, and knee and […]
Life is Yoga: April 2010
Spring is a good time to be thinking about clearing out old stuff. This can be literal like your closet, or more figurative like the baggage you carry around in your body and mind. In yogic philosophy, there is a concept called avidya. Avidya loosely translates as “incorrect perception” or “misunderstanding.” One result of avidya is samskara, […]