Vegan, the New Ethics of Eating by Eric Marcus

While at a homeschool conference recently, I came across a book swap. I love books and dug through the piles even though I was flying home and had no room to carry anything else. The word Vegan caught my eye, of course. It was, Vegan-The New Ethics of Eating by Eric Marcus. I was happy […]

Food For Yogic Thought

Food for Yogic Thought Food is not just fuel. What you put into your body affects how you feel, your overall health, energy, and longevity. The yogic diet has a holistic approach. Rather than separating components of food by calories and nutrients, the yogic perspective is of the diet as a whole. In general, you […]

Food is Love

My friend Assim I have a good friend, Assim, who is from Lebanon.  I met him on the street one day.  As we were passing each other I stopped and said, “Good morning. How are you?” My friends think I am crazy but I make a point of saying hi, or good morning, or something […]

What I am reading

I am always reading at least two books; one fiction and one non-fiction. This usually translates to one about a serious topic and one somewhat trashy mystery. On the serious side, I just picked up, Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows, by Melanie Joy, Ph.D. I had heard her interviewed recently and […]

Full disclosure

I am reintroducing my other blog called O2vegan. Can you guess what it is about? When I was a nutrition counselor,I was paid to tell people what to eat. When I was a personal trainer, I was expected and paid to tell people what exercises to do. Now, I am a yoga teacher, yoga teacher […]

The Rennet Firestorm

This summer, my kids and I and our good friend Griffin, he’s 14, were at a party at a friend’s house. All the kids were hanging out around the campfire. Someone brought out some marshmallows to roast. Dylan and Griffin started to kind of lecture the kids on why they shouldn’t eat marshmallows. Why, you […]