October 2009 Dynamic Core Strength for Backbending and Beyond

The spine moves in 6 directions: forward (flexion); backward (extension); sideways (lateral flexion right and left); and rotation (twisting right and left). Most of the time we are in forward flexion: think slouching. In order to maintain and even improve good posture we need to strengthen the spine in all directions, but especially in extension. This is because extension is the antidote and counterpose to flexion.

A piece of anecdotal evidence: I know 6 people, including myself, who have gotten taller as adults through yoga! All found this out being measured at their doctor’s. By as much as an inch! That tells me that yoga—specifically, yoga that builds strength in the spine— helps to create more space and therefore length/height. I have always emphasized strengthening the spine; however, this month we will focus on dynamic strength, meaning moving and strengthening. Think cat/cow, but much, much more.

I believe that when the direction of energy is established and strength is added, you can experience postures more fully and more safely. I like to teach with real practical things in mind, like strengthening and stretching muscles that make our posture better. This makes sense because the body is designed to line up in a specific way. However, this is very likely to change the way we feel emotionally and energetically as well. If nothing else, learning the hows, whys, and wheres for proper alignment and energy of a posture will hopefully make the practice and experience more centering and beneficial and hopefully more fun!


On Key

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