March 2008 Padmasana (Lotus pose)

Padmasana is one of those poses that students find frustrating. It requires a certain type of hip flexibility that is different than that for shin-to-shin or pigeon pose. The most important thing is that the knee joint is not bent sideways in the process of moving into the pose. This asana, if done wrong, is a great way to injure your knees. Over the course of this month, you will see many ways of working towards and sometimes sneaking up on this posture. Most importantly, padmasana cannot be forced. Padmasana may never be comfortable or accessible for some, but that does not mean that the prep is any less beneficial.

The idea of Lotus is to create a tight bind in the legs so that the lower chakras are grounded and the upper chakras are flooded with energy. Specifically, by binding the lower body, more energy surges into 3rd Chakra (solar plexus), which guides your confidence, and the 4th Chakra (heart), which guides your compassion and love-centered actions. Regardless of the full posture, working towards it will help you feel both grounded and confident. At least in theory!

Let’s give it a go this month and direct the confidence and compassion towards some worthy projects. (See events in March)


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