Today we’d like to take a moment to introduce you to Gaby Hauray, a recent graduate of the Teacher Training Class of 2018, who will be teaching the Monday 12:30pm Basics class for the Cambridge studio’s final month of April.
Gaby started doing yoga about five years ago but got more invested in her practice two and a half years ago when she moved a block away from our Somerville location. “Once I started going [to O2 Somerville] I was hooked,” she said, adding, “Every class left me feeling strong and weightless simultaneously.” The calmness and mental clarity that came with yoga plus the muscular engagement involved in both achieving and holding the poses kept her coming back to her mat time and time again.
Eventually, Gaby decided to advance her practice and take the Teacher Training plunge. “I admired how O2 teachers seemed so knowledgeable about how poses and human anatomy go together. I wanted to improve my practice and understanding about what was happening to my body during yoga. Also, the O2 community is so great I really wanted to be more involved,” she said. By the end of TT, she wanted to give teaching a try and auditioned to take part in the Karma program. “I’m so glad I did, because I learned a lot about myself and my teaching evolved enormously. Surprisingly, those early mornings made the winter fly by and I had a lot of fun teaching and attending the other TTs classes,” Gaby said.
One of the most surprising things she learned in Teacher Training: “Teaching yoga is HARD. I make sure to always thank my yoga teachers and tell them how much I appreciated their class, because now I know how much work it is.” And some of the best advice she’s gotten so far: “Not everyone is going to follow your instructions exactly and that’s okay – don’t let it throw you off. If that’s not a metaphor for life I don’t know what is!” Besides all of these great practical yoga and life (and yoga-is-life) lessons Gaby learned in TT, she also emphasized the friends she made and the fun she had along the way.
When she’s not gettin’ her yoga on, Gaby works at the Harvard Kennedy school…and when she’s not working, she’s either on or planning her next travel adventure!
Welcome to Team O2, Gaby! We are thrilled to have you on our teaching roster. We hope you all get to practice with her sometime very soon. Click here to see her schedule this week.