Pasta with Greens, Veggie Sausage, White beans, and Chiles

I love Turtle Foods! They make some of my favorite products like Oven roasted Sliced Tofurkey for sandwiches, and Tofurky Sausages. Ingredients 1 package Tofurky Italian sausage 3-4cloves garlic 3-6 Tablespoons good quality olive oil (optional 1/2 cup veggie broth) juice of 1/2 lemon 1 can of white beans Salt, pepper, and dried chilis flakes3-4 […]


Calabacitas means ‘little squashes’ in Spanish. Here is a great recipe for this time of year when you are buried by zucchini and squash. Every well-meaning gardener friend will bring you some giant zucchini as a “gift” right? Well this is the recipe for you, or even better, maybe you are that well-meaning gardener. Stop […]