May 2008 Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Danurasana will be a welcome contrast to the previous 2 poses of the month, which required folding at the hips and closing in the front of the body. Bow Pose is all about opening up the front of the body, especially the shoulders, core, and hips. This posture is perfect for spring as we all get ready to open our hearts and minds to new adventures and projects. Most of the activities we do all day long leave us with tight hip flexors, hamstrings, and chest and front shoulder muscles (like what I am doing right now, typing on the computer). In dhanurasana we extend the spine, extend the shoulder joint, and extend the hip joint to counteract much of the effects of sitting, driving, etc. Even better, this pose stimulates the anahata, or heart, chakra. This energy center located around the heart and breast bone, when in balance, creates a feeling of confidence, trust, stability, and higher purpose. When stimulated, this chakra leads to openness and compassion. This open-chested, unobstructed posture leads to better communication and responses by others. Never mind it just feels good to bend backwards and open up to all the new and exciting possibilities in life!



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