April 2008 Galavasana (Pose Dedicated to the Sage Galava)

Galavasana— sometimes called figure 4 pose, so we picked it for the fourth month! Just kidding, we have very deep and spiritual reasons for chosing the pose of the month, because this one is a lot of fun!! Galavasana involves a good amount of flexibility and strength in the outer rotators of the hip. This arm balance also requires core strength and upper body strength. The preparation is almost if not more fun that the posture itself. The critical piece is, while you open the hip by putting the ankle on the opposite thigh, the foot remains strongly flexed and the knee joint is open to 90 degrees. This allows for the most stability in the joint of the knee and the rotation to occur in the hip joint, avoiding sideways pressure on the knee itself. This posture looks a lot like bakasana in terms of the position of the hips, which are very high, and the hands under the shoulders. The difference is that the shin of the bent leg provides a cross bridge between the arms, the knee on the back of one arm and the foot hooked around the other upper arm. The second leg then has the ability (eventually!) to extend straight up in the air. If you were to unhook the foot you would end up in one legged crane!

The important factor, though, is that, unlike crane, which is the most accessible arm balance, galavasana requires hip flexibility before you can enter the posture fully. The flexibility and strength in those deeper ranges are going to help you in the posture, but also creating stability in the pelvis in general. Make sure that you work this one evenly! If you have a more flexible side you need to back off and work at the same level as your less flexible side until that side catches up. The more uneven your hips are in terms of flexibility, the less stability and the more problems you will have ultimately with your lower back, knees, and spine in general. Be patient, this one is worth waiting for!



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